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Surrendering Control

Bible Verse: "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7


Hello brothers, it’s Renee. Today, let’s talk about surrendering control. 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to cast all our anxiety on God because He cares for us. Holding onto control can often lead to anxiety and stress, but God invites us to surrender our burdens to Him.

Start your day by identifying areas where you are holding onto control. Bring these areas to God in prayer and ask Him to help you surrender them. Trust that He cares deeply for you and is more than capable of handling your concerns.

Reflect on times when you’ve surrendered control to God. How did it change your perspective and your situation? Write down these experiences and thank God for His faithfulness. Let these memories encourage you to surrender more fully.

Throughout your day, practice surrendering control. When you feel anxious or stressed, pause and remind yourself of 1 Peter 5:7. Visualize handing your burdens over to God and feeling the weight lift off your shoulders.

Consider creating a surrender list. Write down the areas of your life where you need to let go and trust God. Pray over this list daily, asking God to help you release control and to trust Him more fully.

End your day by thanking God for His care and provision. Ask Him to continue to help you surrender control and to find peace in His care.

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