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: Submission and Service

"The greatest among you will be your servant." - Matthew 23:11


Hello, beautiful sisters. It’s Renee. Today, let’s focus on submission through service. Matthew 23:11 tells us that the greatest among us will be our servant. Submission often involves serving others selflessly.

Start your day by reflecting on the servant heart of Jesus. Spend time in prayer, asking God to give you a heart that is willing to serve. Submission is not about losing your identity, but about using your gifts to bless others.

Think about ways you can serve those around you. This could be through acts of kindness, offering your time, or using your talents to help others. Write down specific ways you can serve and let these actions be an expression of your submission.

Throughout your day, look for opportunities to serve. When you serve, do it with joy and a willing heart. Let your service be a reflection of your love for God and your desire to submit to His will.

End your day by thanking God for the opportunity to serve. Ask Him to help you continue to find joy in serving and to see submission as a powerful way to reflect His love.

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