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Seeking God's Direction in Singleness

Dear RICH singles seeking direction,

In the season of singleness, seek God's direction and guidance for every aspect of your life. He is your shepherd, and He promises to lead you in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.

Scripture assures us in Psalm 32:8, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you." Let us trust in His guidance and follow where He leads.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

We come before you, acknowledging our need for your guidance and direction in our lives. You alone know the plans you have for us, and we trust that your ways are higher than our ways.

Grant us hearts that are surrendered to your will, O Lord, and minds that are attentive to your voice. Help us to seek your direction in every decision we make, knowing that you will lead us in the paths of righteousness.

Fill us with your peace, Lord, as we trust in your guidance and your provision. May Your Spirit lead us and guide us in the way we should go, bringing glory to your name in all we do.

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

May you seek God's direction in every aspect?

Title: Devotional 26 - Cultivating Patience in Singleness

Dear singles cultivating patience,

In the season of singleness, learn to cultivate patience as you wait upon the Lord. Patience is not merely the ability to wait but the ability to wait with a peaceful and content heart, trusting in God's perfect timing.

Scripture reminds us in Psalm 27:14, "Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" Let us find strength and courage in the waiting, knowing that God's timing is always best.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

We come before you, acknowledging our need for patience as we wait upon you. Grant us the strength and courage to wait with peaceful hearts, trusting in your perfect timing.

Grant us hearts that are content in your presence, O Lord, and minds that are focused on your promises. Help us to wait with expectancy and hope, knowing that you are faithful to fulfill your promises to us.

Fill us with your peace, Lord, as we rest in your timing and your plan for our lives. May Your Spirit guide us through the season of waiting, bringing us closer to your will and your purpose?

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

May you cultivate patience in the waiting, trusting in God's perfect timing and His faithfulness to fulfill His promises in your life?

Blessings, Gil & Renee

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