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Embracing Wholeness in Singleness

Dear RICH singles embracing wholeness,

In the season of singleness, embrace the wholeness that comes from being complete in Christ. Your identity and worth are not defined by your relationship status but by your relationship with the Savior who loves you unconditionally.

Scripture assures us in Colossians 2:10, "And you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority." Let us find completeness and wholeness in Christ alone, knowing that He satisfies every longing of our hearts.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

We come before you, acknowledging our need for wholeness and completeness in Christ. Fill us with your presence, Lord, and satisfy every longing of our hearts with your unfailing love.

Grant us hearts that are secure in your love, O Lord, and minds that are renewed by Your Spirit. Help us to embrace our identity in Christ, knowing that we are complete in Him and lacking nothing.

Fill us with your peace, Lord, as we rest in your love and your grace. May Your Spirit empower us to live confidently and boldly for you, knowing that we are accepted and loved beyond measure?

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

May you embrace the wholeness that comes from being complete in Christ, knowing that He satisfies every longing of your heart and gives you strength for the journey ahead?

Blessings, Gil & Renee

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