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Embracing God's Love

Bible Verse: "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." - 1 John 4:16


Hi RICH friends, it’s Renee here. Today, we’re focusing on embracing the incredible, unfailing love of God. 1 John 4:16 tells us that God is love, and those who live in love live in God.

Take a moment to reflect on what it means to be loved by God. His love is not based on what we do or don’t do; it’s unconditional and everlasting. No matter what happened in your past, God’s love for you has never wavered.

Spend some quiet time today in God’s presence. Let His love wash over you and fill every part of your being. Speak these truths over yourself: “I am loved by God. I am His beloved child. His love for me is perfect and complete.”

Throughout your day, remind yourself of God’s love. When negative thoughts or memories from your past creep in, counter them with the truth of God’s love. Write down 1 John 4:16 and carry it with you as a constant reminder.

God’s love is transformative. It heals wounds, mends broken hearts, and restores hope. Embrace His love and let it empower you to love yourself and others more deeply.

End your day by reflecting on how you experienced God’s love today. Thank Him for His never-ending love and ask Him to continue to reveal more of His heart to you.











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